As Yolanda, a teacher at San Marcos High School in Texas, made her way to work one morning, she had no idea that a heartwarming surprise was waiting for her. Just as she was about to enter the school, she was greeted by five tiny, malnourished puppies running toward her. Their pleading eyes seemed to beg for help and compassion, and Yolanda knew she couldn’t ignore them.
Seeking Help
Determined to assist the helpless pups, Yolanda quickly made her way inside the school and sought help from her coworker, Belinda Peña, a senior assistant at the school. When Peña went outside to check on the situation, she discovered a cardboard box nearby, realizing that these fur babies had been abandoned.
The box contained a heartbreaking note left by the person who had abandoned the puppies. It read, “Dog shelter didn’t want them. We can’t take care of them. The original owner wanted to throw them. I’m sure you can do something. I’m sorry.”
The Furballs Receive Care
Moved by the situation, the school staff quickly sprang into action. They gathered the puppies and provided them with food and water, trying to help them cool off in the hot weather. Fortunately, some of the staff members were working limited hours during the summer, and their presence turned out to be a blessing for the puppies.
“If not, who knows what would have happened?” Peña later told The Dodo.
As they waited for animal control to arrive, the staff enjoyed playing with the adorable puppies. Peña fondly recalled how the puppies were full of energy, with big ears and wagging tails. One of the teachers even fell in love with one of the pups and decided to take him home, giving him the forever home he needed.
Finding Forever Homes
Kay Lynn Dodd, a school counselor, was particularly captivated by the remaining four puppies. When the animal control officer arrived to take them, Dodd felt an overwhelming sense of responsibility and couldn’t bear to part with them.
“The officer was like, ‘Well, it is the end of the day, I can’t guarantee somebody’s going to be able to be there at the shelter to intake them.’ And I [was] like, ‘I can’t have that on my conscience,’” Dodd told The Dodo.
With a heart full of love and compassion, Dodd decided to foster the four puppies herself. She brought them home, determined to provide them with the care they deserved and prepare them for their forever homes.
Thriving Under Care
Thanks to Dodd’s loving care, the puppies thrived. They quickly adapted to their new environment, enjoying the warmth, love, and attention they received. Dodd named the puppies Rotund, Buttercup, Bandit, and Snickers, and the little furballs were nothing but affectionate toward their foster mom.
Though they loved spending time with Dodd, the puppies eagerly awaited the day they would find their forever homes, where they could receive the same love and affection every day.
A Happy Ending
Yolanda’s unexpected encounter with the five puppies led to a series of events that changed their lives forever. From being abandoned in a cardboard box to finding safety and care, these furballs are now on their way to living happy, healthy lives with families who will love them unconditionally. Thanks to the compassion of the school staff, especially Dodd, these puppies have a bright future ahead of them.